Texas - Area Code 361

Where is Area Code 361?

Area code (361) is in the state of Texas

In recent years, the number of high schools and colleges in Texas has increased, with colleges in Texas now attracting hundreds of thousands of students each year. Students and families from all over the United States visit Texas every summer to attend college here. The population of Texans living in Victoria County is very high, making the growth of the college in Victoria County even more significant than in other counties.


The Austin College in Texas is a private school with nearly 8,000 students. The Austin College girls' basketball team started out their season at an exhibition game against South Plains A&M last week. Texas ended their season in the championship with a great 109-72 win against South Plains A&M. Texas will face Texas A&M in their homecoming game on December 9th.

The Dallas Baptist University women's basketball team has won four consecutive state titles. The Dallas Baptist women's football team is off to a great start to the season this year, finishing the fall semester with a strong 4-game winning streak, including a victory over Texas Tech. The Dallas Baptist women's basketball team finished the spring semester with an impressive 14-4 record.

The Corpus Christi girls volleyball team is off to a good start to the school year. The Corpus Christi girls volleyball team went into the fall semester ranked second in the state and third in the country for most volleyball wins. This season marks the fifth consecutive campaign in which Corpus Christi has placed first in the State League.

The Women's Golf Association of Texas holds its annual conference every January in Austin. Texas has been one of the states that have consistently ranked in the top ten for both the overall golf players and the women's golfer, thanks to the consistent efforts of the Women's Golf Association of Texas. This conference brings together the elite women's golf players from all over the United States and Canada as they share tips and strategies to help them become better competitors on and off the course.

In Texas, there is a long list of great music festivals to check out as you travel around the state. Texas is a great place to see music in all of its glorious glory.

The University of Texas is a major draw for high school and college sports enthusiasts. The Longhorns are always one of the favorites to win the Big 12 championship and are always one of the favorites to win the national championship.

Texas is also one of the states where you can find many beautiful sights to see. Austin and San Antonio are two of the best cities to visit. Other popular tourist attractions include San Antonio's Mission Reach, New Braunfels and Grand Prairie.