Texas - Area Code 432

Where is Area Code 432?

Area code (432) is in the state of Texas

West Texas is a loosely defined geographic portion of the United States state of Texas, usually encompassing the more arid and semi-dry land west of a southern line drawn from the major cities of Wichita Falls, Fort Worth, and Abilene to the north. The state of Texas was founded in 1839 by President Andrew Johnson. The area around the state's southwestern border is called "the panhandle," which is a term used for the westernmost parts of Texas.


Midland and West Texas are located along the Gulf of Mexico, a body of water that connects the east and the west. Midland, located on the Gulf Coast, is located between two bodies of water: the Red River and the Brazos River. It is the fifth largest city in the state of Texas. Midland and West Texas are considering to be the state's second poorest area.

Midland and West Texas are located on the border of Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Alabama. This means that many of the residents who live in this part of the state will be citizens of those three states. Midland and West Texas have the highest poverty rates of any part of the state. In some parts of the state, the unemployment rate is over twenty percent. Due to its location, Midland and West Texas suffer from high levels of poverty.

Midland and West Texas have been suffering since the 1950s due to the natural resource depletion and the growth of petroleum refineries in the area. There are no public schools in the state, and most businesses in the state do not provide health care or educational benefits. Because of this, the majority of people in Midland and West Texas live off the government and private welfare rolls.

Midland and West Texas are known for their high levels of crime. They are the only two areas of Texas to have higher than average murder rates. In one of the counties in the region, the murder rate is so high that the police department has issued an anti-homicide alert, meaning that people should be vigilant if they hear of any violent crime happening in or around their area.

Midland and West Texas are the home to many oil companies. For example, ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil are both based in Midland and West Texas. If you want to find a good place to work, you need to make sure that you are working at one of these companies somewhere in Midland and West Texas. The more education and work experience you can get while you are working, the better job opportunities you will have.