Arizona - Area Code 520

Where is Area Code 520?

Area code (520) is in the state of Arizona

What is the distance between Phoenix, Arizona and Los Angeles, CA? The shortest route between Phoenix, Arizona and Los Angeles, CA is 45 miles. The shortest road route is 52 miles. If you live in a city with an interstate highway, you will have to use a different route. If you don't, you are going to have to drive around one of the major cities that has the shortest highways.


The only route that is feasible for a person who lives in a metropolitan area and goes to Los Angeles, CA is Highway 101. This route can be found on the official map of the state of Arizona, but you might want to make sure that you have the correct route to Los Angeles, CA before you go on this trip.

If you are not familiar with the roads that lead from Phoenix, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada, then you should consider getting some driving lessons. The reason for this is that many people who live in Phoenix, AZ and go to Las Vegas, NV often drive on the wrong side of the road. When this happens, it can cost the driver a lot of money.

The last thing that you need to know about when you are looking at the route that you should take is that the highway is not always the quickest route to Las Vegas. When you drive along the highway in Arizona, you may encounter hills that make the highway even more difficult. If you are looking to get to Las Vegas in a hurry, then the highway is not the best option for you. There are also many bridges that are only passable by car. If you do not own a car or plan to rent one, you should consider driving through Las Vegas with another vehicle.

If you do not know how long it will take to get to Las Vegas, you should consider getting online and finding out how long it will take to drive to Las Vegas. You can find out how long it will take to drive from Phoenix, AZ to Las Vegas, NV by entering "Las Vegas" into the search bar on Google. Once you are on the Las Vegas, NV search page, you will see a map showing you how long it will take to drive between Phoenix, AZ and Las Vegas, NV. You can also get an idea of how long it will take to get to Las Vegas by entering "calif you rent a car."

As you can see, if you live in Arizona and go to Las Vegas, NV, then it may be more appropriate for you to drive a few extra miles and get out of your vehicle and drive the remaining distance on foot. However, if you live in Arizona, you should still try to take the route that leads to Las Vegas. Once you reach Las Vegas, you will need to hire a cab so that you can get to your hotel. If you are looking for information on how long it will take to drive to Las Vegas, you can contact the nearest office of the city's airport and find out the best route to get to Las Vegas.

Cities in Areacode 520

  • Casa Grande
  • Catalina Foothills
  • Drexel Heights
  • Nogales
  • Oro Valley
  • Sierra Vista
  • Tucson

Phone Prefixes in the 520 Areacode

5XX Areacode