Pennsylvania - Area Code 267

Where is Area Code 267?

Area code (267) is in the state of Pennsylvania

Levittown, Pennsylvania is a very small town located near New Jersey's Atlantic City. This small town of approximately sixty thousand inhabitants was named in honor of William Levitt, a railroad engineer who worked in New York. Levittown was established as a town to honor his family.


Levittown has been part of the census since the 1940s. It has been a part of the census since at least the nineteenth century, although it was not on any official list of places of residence until the 1950 census. It was first planned as a subdivision of an already existing community. A group of New Jersey businessmen created a plan to include the town in the census as a rural community. They had no plans to incorporate the community into the official United States census; however, a few years later, the United States government offered a tax incentive to residents who would make their homes in the community as permanent residences. In exchange for making homes in this community a permanent residence, the government offered tax benefits and other incentives to residents who chose to settle here.

As a suburb of New Jersey, Levittown did not qualify for inclusion in the official United States census because the community was considered to be outside of the jurisdiction of the U.S. Census Bureau. According to the United States census of the year 2020, Levittown was a one-town municipality, not a city. The official name for the town was Levittown Township, and it was under the jurisdiction of the state of Pennsylvania. Levittown was not part of the census of the year 2020, but it was listed as one of seven municipalities that had changed its name to a permanent address. If you want to check whether you are living in one of these towns, you should contact the town clerk in your town.

The Levittown area was part of the census from the eighteen hundreds through the twenty-first hundreds. During the late eighteen hundreds, the town expanded, adding some houses and parks to the existing area. The twenty-first to the thirty-first hundreds saw a big growth in the number of homes and businesses. During the thirty-first to the last hundred, the town saw a slight decline in the number of residences and business in the area. The last hundred was the peak of the development of the town in which the population peaked at more than four thousand. families. After this time, there was a steady decline in the number of residents in the town.

Due to its growth, the community's demographics have changed. The middle class started moving out. In the nineteen fifties, the town was called "Penny Dreadful." Many families moved to New York, and many others left for Philadelphia. Some residents stayed to work in New York City, while others stayed to work in New Jersey. In the late seventies, the area became known for crime.

The community is currently being developed as a brand new town. The entire area will be one big business district with shopping centers and residential homes, but it is still a small town. There are several neighborhoods throughout the town that are residential, and there is a lot of historic architecture to be found. As it is being developed, the area will soon be home to the New Jersey State House.