Oklahoma - Area Code 539

Where is Area Code 539?

Area code (539) is in the state of Oklahoma

Traveling north to Oklahoma can be quite a journey, but if you love the outdoors and beautiful scenery, you will love Oklahoma. You can visit Broken Arrow, Tulsa, or Muskogee, the third largest city in Oklahoma, to see all that this part of Oklahoma has to offer. This is one of those great American towns where people love to live, and the people there are friendly and welcoming. If you enjoy visiting and exploring areas such as the Grand Prairie, Fort Smith, or Fort Knox, you should plan your trip to Oklahoma well in advance.


Broken Arrow is just north of Tulsa. Show Full Description

When you visit Oklahoma, make sure to do your research and find out the best way to get to Broken Arrow. Broken Arrow is close to Muskogee. However, if you decide that you like Broken Arrow better, you can take a bus, train, car, or bicycle from Broken Arrow to Muskogee. Make sure you do plenty of research when you are deciding between the three options to help you find the most convenient and affordable way to get to Muskogee. MapBroker allows you to find out all the options so you can choose the best route for you.

The area that you will drive through to reach Broken Arrow is quite beautiful. From Broken Arrow, you can get to know Oklahoma by driving west through the town of Broken Bow, where you can see an old railroad track. Continue your trip west until you reach the Grand Prairie, which is known for its beautiful scenery. Finally, you can head south and continue your journey to Muskogee. When you visit Broken Arrow, you will see some historical sites in town, such as the Broken Arrow National Military Park and museum.

The Broken Arrow area is also home to the historic Muskogee Dam. If you want to experience the history of the area while you are in Oklahoma, you will want to explore the dam on your journey to Broken Arrow. The dam is located just north of Broken Bow. The area that is southwest of the dam has many historic attractions, including the historic downtown area. Muskogee is very different than the rest of Oklahoma. as you drive through this area, you will see the history of the area. It is an area where the rich history of the area can be experienced, without the crowds.

If you decide that you would like to tour all of the beautiful areas of Oklahoma, it is easy to travel to each one of the areas that you are interested in seeing. All you need to do is look online and you can see the best way to get to each area. You will also be able to plan your trip to ensure that you are staying at the right hotel and ensuring that your stay is comfortable and hassle free.