Texas - Area Code 915

Where is Area Code 915?

Area code (915) is in the state of Texas

Socorro, Texas is one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S.A. It's a great place to live if you are in the El Paso area. It's a great place to go for the holidays if you have family or a large group of friends. If you love history, then you need to check out Socorro, Texas. It's also home to some of America's most spectacular natural scenery.


Socorro, Texas is actually located on the southwest side of El Paso, Texas. It's about five miles southwest of the El Paso International Airport and about three miles west of downtown El Paso. It is located along the border between Mexico and the United States. This means that it is close to all major population centers and businesses in the El Paso area. It's also home to a good number of restaurants, retail stores, and hotels. There are many good areas in Socorro, Texas for housing. Many people find this part of the U.S. to be very affordable.

If you're interested in shopping, then you'll love the downtown area of Socorro. You'll find it filled with lots of shopping malls. If you have family members that love museums, then these places can be a great place to visit as well. In fact, you may even be able to find an interesting exhibit in one of the galleries.

Socorro has some great restaurants. There are a few excellent Mexican restaurants in the area and many others that serve American food. Many people choose to eat at one of these restaurants during their vacations in Socorro. Many people enjoy the unique atmosphere that is created in this part of the U.S.A. The weather in this part of Texas is wonderful, with lots of sunshine and cool breezes.

Some people choose to stay in the downtown area of Socorro, Texas. This is ideal if you have an RV or camp out trailer. These can make for great camping and traveling. There are plenty of accommodations and hotels to choose from. There is also a very popular tourist attraction in Socorro, Texas called the Riverwalk. This tourist attraction has lots of great things for kids to do and enjoy.

It's easy to see why many people choose to stay in the downtown area of Socorro, Texas. It's also easy to travel to El Paso. It is only two hours to the Mexican border and it is close to several other cities. You'll find that it is easy to get all the things that you need in this part of the U.S.A. You can find all the things you need for your family vacation in this area.