Indiana - Area Code 930

Where is Area Code 930?

Area code (930) is in the state of Indiana

When considering which area code to use, it's often difficult to choose between all the other areas that are so close to each other. The best thing to do is look up an area code online and see what each area has to offer. It will also give you a pretty good idea as to where you would want to live.


Area Codes: Area codes are numbers assigned to certain areas. Area codes range from one to nine, depending on where you live. Area code numbers can be found on most telephone bills; however, you should call each area code before purchasing your phone service.

Telephone Service: Most telephone companies assign an area code based on the street address of the home or office. For instance, if you live in Columbus, Indiana, you would probably use the area code 912, rather than your home's street address. You can also use the phone number of your home to identify your area code. Area code numbers are usually printed on the outside of your home's white paper door. In addition, you may want to ask your local phone company for a map showing your area code.

Number of People: Some areas have more phone lines than others. If you live in the central part of Indiana, you would have access to more numbers than if you lived in a suburban area. The easiest way to find out your area code is to just make a call. Call each number and ask them for their number. Most companies provide a toll free number for the public.

Telephone Services: Most telephone services have websites that provide maps of their entire service area. However, if your service provider does not have such a map available, you can call them directly and ask them to supply you with the information you need. A representative will be glad to assist you.

In addition to these information sources, you can also use the World Wide Web to learn your area code and telephone service. This method may be the fastest and most efficient way to find out your area code.

When looking up information regarding telephone services, you will most likely be asked for a couple of pieces of personal information, such as your full name, address, and city. Once you have filled in all of these forms, you will be asked to give some basic information about yourself.

Your city's zip code, phone service provider, and area code are also asked. You will be required to give details about your current address if you are looking up your service information by telephone.

You should be aware that sometimes the information you provide will not match with other people. This is because every address is different. The only way to be sure is to look up your own information and run a reverse address search.

Cities in Areacode 930

  • Bloomington
  • Clarksville
  • Columbus
  • Evansville
  • Jeffersonville
  • New Albany
  • Terre Haute

Phone Prefixes in the 930 Areacode

9XX Areacode