North Carolina - Area Code 704

Where is Area Code 704?

Area code (704) is in the state of North Carolina

The North Carolina Central Data Bank (NCCDB) is one of the most comprehensive source of statistical data used for population analysis. NCCDB provides information on counties and municipalities and can be searched by city or town name. It also offers statistics on births, deaths and removals for each county and municipality.

North Carolina

The North Carolina Central Data Bank is part of the state Office of Statistical Services. The statistics are collected from a variety of sources. They include mortality statistics, census reports, birth and death files, hospital discharge files and death certificates. There are many other sources of information that contribute to NCCDB's statistics.

Because of the large number of people residing in the state, it is important that the information provided for NCCDB is current. The data must reflect changes in demographics and other factors over time. For example, in the last 20 years, there have been substantial changes to the characteristics of the people living in the state. NCCDB is required to regularly review its statistics so that they are up to date and accurately represent the population and demography.

The North Carolina Central Data Bank can provide useful information about the number and location of births, deaths and removals in the state. Births and deaths are reported annually for a large number of reasons. Removals are usually reported annually for a variety of reasons. The NCCDB publishes reports on removals in the United States, but there is no official national reporting system for removals in the US.

NCCDB also publishes annual statistics on marriage and divorce rates. These statistics are used to evaluate the status and health of marriages in the state and to track changes in the number of marriages over time. Divorce statistics are published by individual municipalities and counties, but marriage and divorce data are more detailed and useful when combined with other information from the NCCDB.

NCCDB publishes statistics on births, deaths and removals in all of its towns and cities in North Carolina. For these towns and cities, it is necessary to compile data from different sources. These include death certificates, hospital discharge files, birth certificates, death certificates and other public records. All of these data are important to examine relationships between individuals and communities. In addition to this, it is important to know the demographics of the residents of the community in order to determine how well-being is distributed throughout the state.

Cities in Areacode 704

  • Charlotte
  • Concord
  • South Gastonia
  • Huntersville
  • Kannapolis
  • Matthews
  • Monroe
  • Salisbury
  • Statesville

Phone Prefixes in the 704 Areacode

7XX Areacode